People are all the same all over the world - until it's time to get married. I should know, because I too had a viking marriage. Here's another.
Começa tudo aqui, na igreja, que nestas paragens é despojada e firme, sem rococós ou outras mariquices a que nos habituámos no catolicismo meridional.
It all starts here, in a clean and simple church, devoid of all the gilded traps we grew accostumed to in our rococo southern catholicism.
Está toda a gente sentada, bem composta, alguns vestidos de smoking, outros de fato regional tradicional, outros de roupa quase quotidiana, rabos quadrados em bancos espartanos, à espera da noiva que tarda (ora aí está um atraso universal!)
All seated in mildly sadistic benches, some in formal dress, some in regional suits, other in semi-casual clothing, waiting, waiting, waiting for the bride.
Para alguns é a primeira espera das suas vidas.
For some, it's the first waiting ever experienced.
E cá está! //////// And here she is!
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