As you can see in the picture above, the lower part of the track, below the tree line, it's actually an equatorial forest. There are reports of several warmer micro-climates in the lower regions of SukkerToppen, namely in the living room of Mr. Ole Slinning, in the vicinity of the fireplace, by that old chandelier, and also in the bottom part of Ms. Frieda Worren's kitchen pantry. This has been extensively documented in peer reviews and publications.
Como podem ver, a floresta que cobre a zona inicial do trilho que conduz ao topo de SukkerToppen é uma floresta equatorial. É, aliás, sabido que esta região, embora se situe a um espirro e meio do pólo-norte, é rica em microclimas, dos quais o mais famoso fica aos pés da cama da Sra. Anne-Lisa Indemellom.
In this area, that still bears the marks of the Maldivian Base Camp, we found several tracks of BigFoot. The BigFoot is a native of this part of Norway (as it is easily ascertained by the common shoe sizes in shops) and it is remarkably dangerous, for sometimes it carries with it the infamous BigAthlete's Foot.
Aqui encontrámos várias pegadas do Abominável Homem das Neves. O Abominável Homem das Neves é um português (chamado António Homem das Neves) que emigrou para estas paragens em 1976 e que se tem dedicado à confecção de botas de montar. Tem, reputadamente, o abominável hábito de cheirar as meias antes de as calçar.
In this picture we see Erika with a beautiful smile induced by the dizziness from the lack of oxygen due to the extreme altitude. In this extreme conditions, life can hardly be maintained and the only organisms that survive are called extremophiles. At this level, all SMS sent to our mobile phones were being compressed into one, unintelligible message, probably due to interferences from outer space.
Aqui vemos a Erika a rir de nervoso por causa da altitude. Só os organismos mais resistentes (denominados extremófilos) conseguem aguentar a falta de oxigénio que se sente e, devido à altitude extrema, o corpo humano pesa apenas 35% do seu peso normal, pelo que se deve evitar espirrar a todo o custo.
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