Monday, July 24, 2006

The infamous SukkerToppen mountain (in the picture) is an extremely tall mountain very close to the North-Poloe. It is widely known in the world-class mountain-climbing elite as one of the hardest peaks north of K2.
Geologically, it was formed on top of the back of a dragon which died close to Aalesund after choking on a half-chewed viking boat.

O famoso pico SukkerToppen (na foto de cima, ao centro) é reputadamente uma das montanhas mais inacessíveis a norte do Everest. A última tentativa, por uma equipa de alpinistas das Maldivas, redundou em fracasso quando, a meio da escalada, alguém se apercebeu de que tinham trazido o carvão e as acendalhas mas se tinham esquecido das salsichas. Geologicamente, SukkerToppen é o remanescente das costas de um dragão que morreu perto de Aalesund, vítima de engasgamento com um barco viking mal mastigado.

So that it is documented. We are actually going into the track that leads to the top. The last time that anyone ventured this way was back in the times of the (g)olden Vikings. Actually, the last known expedition to try to conquer SukkerToppen was done by a Maldivian Climbing Team, but it was stopped halfway because someone realized they had the charcoal and the matches but the hot-dogs were missing


Aqui está a prova documental do início da nossa jornada. A última vez que este caminho foi trilhado ainda existiam Vikings!
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